
Buck Buddy: Uniting Hunters, One Connection at a Time

Buck Buddy is a revolutionary social platform designed exclusively for hunters, enabling them to connect, share hunting experiences, track harvested animals, aid in wounded animal searches, and build a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all through a GPS-driven app that enhances safety and success in the hunting world.

We Are “Buck Buddy App”

From the beginning of time, early humans’ survival was based on their ability to successfully hunt. A common practice was to hunt in groups in order to improve their chances of a catch. Today, there are over 11 million deer hunters in the U.S. according to the National Deer Association. And while many of the hunters choose a combination of hunting in groups or solo, there is no social platform that exists to bring them all together. Until now, introducing the Buck Buddy app. The Buck Buddyapp, allows hunters to connect with other hunters while bringing strangers with a common interest and mission together.

Track your animal with ease

Upon downloading the app, the hunter creates a profile page consisting of your name, address, and/or cell number or email. Once registered you can click on a deer stand located on the map which informs other hunters that it’s your location. From your spot, you will get a notification from others within a three to five-mile radius. At that point, you can share a picture of your harvested animal and save that information for others to see. This helps not only in tracking your animal but will minimize the time spent on an animal that has already been taken.


Useful for searching and helping others search

The Buck Buddy app is also useful for searching and helping others search for a wounded animal. Buck Buddy can also be used in the same way for shed hunting.  And because Buck Buddy is GPS driven you can share and post from the comfort of your home.  Buck Buddy is the perfect platform for the harvesting of any animal.

Make your collective experience safer and more successful

Buck Buddy is the creation of an avid hunter for over 20 years. He states, “I created Buck Buddy because communicating in the deer hunting world was missing but needed. This is the app where we hunters can at the very least familiarize ourselves and what we are hunting within the areas we are sharing making our collective experience safer and more successful.” Take your best shot with Buck Buddy today by downloading on IOS or Android for your free one-month trial period.


App Features

  • Hunter Connection: Connect with Like-minded Hunters

    The Hunter Connection feature allows hunters to connect with other hunters in their area, fostering a community of individuals who share a common interest and mission, providing opportunities for collaboration, sharing experiences, and building friendships.

  • Real-time Location Sharing: Mark Your Deer Stand and Stay Connected

    Utilizing GPS technology, hunters can mark their deer stand location on the map within the app, notifying other hunters within a three to five-mile radius, facilitating communication and coordination while ensuring safety and minimizing the chances of overlapping hunting spots.

  • Harvested Animal Tracking: Capture and Share Hunting Success

    After harvesting an animal, hunters can capture a picture of their trophy and save the information within the app, enabling them to track their own hunting history and share their success with others, creating a virtual logbook of achievements while reducing duplication of efforts.

  • Wounded Animal Assistance: Collaborative Search and Rescue

    Buck Buddy app provides a platform for hunters to seek and provide assistance in searching for wounded animals, allowing for collaborative efforts, sharing knowledge and resources, maximizing the chances of finding and recovering injured animals ethically and efficiently, promoting responsible hunting practices.



Browse through our frequently asked questions to find out the answers you are looking for. If you need more help, please contact us directly. 

You can download this app via Apple’s App Store for your iOS device and Google Play Store for your Android device. Simply click on the links at the top or bottom of the page to download.

Reach out to “Buck Buddy App”

Reach out to us with any questions, suggestions or just to say hi!

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